深活 Sense.Life Приложения

停車ParkingLuck  - 三秒找到停車位 1.0.19
深活 Sense.Life
操作最直覺的設計與路線規劃. 可以說是最好的停車app. 馬上讓你知道附近的即時車位,不用再東繞西繞, 也不用再大排長龍, 省時又省油!只要有ParkingLuck, 停車不再需要碰運氣.目前包含台北新北市的公有停車場資料, 其他縣市陸續加入中.不在app內的停車場也可以mail給我們喔~立馬新增上去!sense.life.tw@gmail.comThe design and operationof the most intuitive route planning can be said to be the bestparking app. Immediately let you know immediately nearby parkingspaces around the East West no longer around, but also do not havelong queues, save time and fuel!As long as there ParkingLuck, parking is no longer neededluck.Taipei, New Taipei City currently contains information on publicparking lot, other counties have joined in.Parking is not within the app can also mail us immediately add upoh!sense.life.tw@gmail.com